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Smudge Stick - Small

Smudge Stick - Small

Regular price $10.00
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📏 Size: Approx. 110mm


🏋️‍♀️ Weight: Approx. 20-28g


Used by Native Americans for thousands of years, smudging is the tradition of cleansing and purifying with smoke from sacred herbs to clear negative energy from a person or space. Simply ignite White Sage over a ceramic bowl or Abalone shell containing sand and gently blow the glowing embers to produce smoke. Metaphorically wash your hands in the smoke and waft it over the body or space whilst stating your intentions. Sustainably harvested.



*Please note: HD photography is used to show detail, but can sometimes make items appear more significant than actual size. Also, true colours may vary slightlly between different devices and screens. Please check all measurements listed before purchasing. Thank you!

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