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Palo Santo

Palo Santo

Regular price $10.00
Regular price Sale price $10.00
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Each pack contains 3 x genuine Palo Santo sticks.


These sticks are certified sustainably harvested in Ecuador, in a way to respect and protect the Palo Santo tree, not wasting anything from it. This is achieved by waiting for the tree to die on its own (usually 30 years) and then left to lay on the ground for 2-4 years. It has a unique woodsy, citrus aroma and is often used for smudging.



The Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) tree grows in South America and, when translated, means "holy wood". For centuries, it has been burned as an energy cleanser. The ritual comes from Incan tradition that says the smoke from the wood, burned during spiritual ceremonies, is medicinal. Like Sage, which is predominantly used by Native Americans, South American shamans believed burning Palo Santo had similar properties capable of resetting energy that was tainted by negativity or conflict. It is also thought to neutralise issues before they ever start, and even has the power to attract sacredness and benevolence to a space. It opens communication with the spiritual world and purifies negative energy. It balances the inner self, attracts happiness and calms the mind.



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