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Charoite Point #5 - Room 1

Charoite Point #5 - Room 1

Regular price $90.00
Regular price $130.00 Sale price $90.00
Sale Sold out

đźš‘Patient no: 0098

📏 Size: 90 x 25 x 18mm


🏋️‍♀️ Weight: 98g


Such a beautiful point. The ONLY issue I have with this patient is how the base has been cut (see pics). It still stands stable enough, but I'm just not completely happy with it and can't sell it at full price (with good conscience). So, this is the chance to grab an amazing high-grade Charoite stone at a heavely discounted price.


Would have been priced at $130 - now only $90!



One of the most expensive crystals on the market, Charoite is an extremely rare stone found only in Siberia, Russia. It is known as a soul stone that can provide strong physical and emotional healing energies. It's a powerful spiritual stone that will remind you to live in the now. Charoite is also a stone of insight, and will help remove the negativity from your life and give you protection from negative energy. It can also help you overcome obsessive compulsive behaviours, helping you strike a balance and keep you in check when you feel like slipping again. It can help release your fears and face the consequences of your actions with grace and courage. Good for helping to overcome insomnia, sleepwalking, night terrors and talking during sleep.



*Please note: HD photography is used to show detail, but can sometimes make items appear more significant than actual size. Also, true colours may vary slightly between different devices and screens. Please check all measurements listed before purchasing. Thank you!

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